Thursday, March 27, 2008

Rite of Spring - memories

I woke from a sound sleep this morning to the strains of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring. It brought back wonderful memories of growing up and sharing a room with my younger sister. Believe it or not we would insist that after we had a bedtime story that we wanted to go to sleep listening to the 'Dinosaur music', the original Disney Fantasia version of Rite of Spring. So from the living room they would crank up the old lp player (which wasn't old then) and put on that portion of Fantasia and we'd usually fall fast asleep.

If you've ever heard the piece you are right to wonder how on earth children would want to go to sleep with that violent-sounding powerful music linked to dinosaur battles, and dinosaur marches and great volcanic explosions, but we did - we just loved it.

It was a fond remembrance - one of those tender mercies of the Lord and something worth remembering.

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