Friday, June 6, 2014


My health care has wellness options that encourage participants to get active and eat properly. Those of us with BMI of an excessive nature that qualified for participation in the plan through blood work and dental and/or doctor visits qualify for a free FitBit.  So I ordered one. I'm not sure what taking the challenges will be like, but we'll see.

Despite me being significantly overweight, my blood pressure is good, my blood glucose is good, all results from the blood panel were in normal ranges except for the triglycerides which were a bit high. Based on other blood tests over the past several years, that's no biggie because it'll be down the next set.

I am very blessed (not lucky, but blessed) to have excellent health.  While it's all from God, part I attribute to good genes, and part to a decision early in married life that we would eat whole grains and other nutritious sorts of food.  So when the move to Las Vegas occurred and we both got carried away with the buffets and other foodly temptations, we were buffered some by what we ate when we weren't eating poorly.

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