Sunday, June 8, 2014

Grateful in Any Circumstances

The speakers in Sacrament meeting were Toni Sproul and her daughter-in-law, Allison Sproul. Toni is the mother of Bishop Willie Spoul, and Allison is his wife. The spoke based on the talk by President Uchtdorf from April 2014 entitled: Grateful in Any Circumstances.

Toni reminded us to see with spiritual eyes because we are not mortal beings but spiritual ones. She reflected on the wonderful grace of the Lord in her life, especially the past five years when tending to a husband who was serious ill and bedridden for much of those years and who died a little over a year ago. The Lord gave her music to inspire and remind her of the great love of God for his children.

Toni is a wonderful woman and a great example to any who know her.

Allison reminded us to be grateful in any circumstance as the title of the talk reflects. If we allow the Savior to carry us, He will. It is a choice to be grateful. Do not murmur in our afflictions. He draws near to us in a very powerful way. As we keep our covenants we can call down the blessings of heaven. We are eternal beings.

I appreciate all I learn at church every week.