Tuesday, June 10, 2014

What sets us off

It was election Tuesday today and I walked over to the polling place at Jack Dailey Elementary school. I was there before the polls opened so had a nice chat with another voter waiting outside. She had moved from New Jersey in December to be close to her family here.

There were problems with the machine that activates the cards for the voting booths so we got to be guinea pigs while they tried to figure out the problem.  Turns out they hadn't set the time properly on the machines that activate the cards.  Once that was done we were able to vote.

It made me a few minutes late for the Tuesday Devotional, but I got most of it which is good.

I did find it interesting what the different reactions were among the poll workers and the voters. Generally, it wasn't too bad, but for some even a few minute delay was cause for the 'why didn't they get this taken care of before the polls opened' sort of comments. Frustrations among the poll workers too.

We need to lighten up - life is full of 'inconveniences' and full of people who don't do things the way we think they should or the way we would do it.  Why does any of that matter. Life is too short, and too precious to be fretting over the stupid stuff.

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