Thursday, March 1, 2007

On Taking Offense

One of the current most popular trends among people in the public view and also the media that covers their activities, is the eagerness with which they take offense. I can think of a number of reasons that this so common.

1. The culture of Political Correctness
In what was probably a sincere attempt to become more understanding of each other, the 'politically correct' concept has also managed to raise being offended to a fine art. Instead of individuals with disagreements talking to one another and explaining their point of view and why some word or idea disturbs them, they now jump to being offended immediately. So instead of dialog we get distance, instead of communication we have conflict, and instead of understanding we retain ignorance.

2. The zeal of extremist groups
Individuals or groups who advocate that their way is the only correct way, and their group knows what is best and therefore should be the ones making the decisions. When all that matters is their ideas and their way and their people in power, there is no alternative to being offended constantly. Power in the hands of anyone else will be offensive. Decisions made by any other group will be wrong by default. This perpetual state of offense precludes any attempt at understanding or negotiation.

3. The media
I am hopeful that the majority of the media still strive to be objective and report accurately. The necessity of the revenue stream often forces them to choose one viewpoint over another, or focus on one story or series and neglect something equally significant. In order to sell magazines, or newspapers or airtime the stories need to have an excitement factor and the spin that is put on a story can have a direct impact on how the audience responds to that story. This includes 'I'm offended' news reports and op ed pieces.

Now here is the big TA-DAH. Being offended is a choice. How about that. You cannot be offended by another unless you choose to be. You are an agent unto yourself and it's up to you how you react to the words or actions of another. Don't blame anyone else for how you choose to respond.

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