Monday, March 12, 2007

What About Prayer?

Why should I pray?
On the most basic level we pray because it is a commandment of God to do so. It is the devil who tells us not to pray 2 Nephi 32:8-9 We also pray because we need God's help. We should pray to give thanks for everything we have received from God, even the trials. We pray for the benefit of others, friend and foe alike. We pray because God is our Father and He desires to hear from his children.

When should I pray?
Once a day, twice a day, three times a day, continually. There should always be a prayer in our hearts. God has placed no limit on His availablity to us, only our own thoughts and actions will distance us. Satan is very good at convincing us that the Lord can't be bothered with our petty concerns, it's according to the devils designs that we break that communication link.

Are prayers answered?
Yes. Sometimes immediately. Sometimes not for a long time. The time and nature of the answer will be what is best for us. God sees the big picture, we are blinded by the trees. Don't be surprised if the answer is not what you were expecting either.

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